lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Break on Through the Softer Side

Yesterday I saw the movie Julie & Julia (which is good, me recommends it), and noticed something.

The main character, Julie, has a blog. She takes it upon herself to write OVER NINE THOUS- sorry, over five hundred recipes in a year. During the first weeks, she's worried that she has no comments, and thus, no readers. Why does she write then? Is somebody, anybody, reading her antics?

Alternative Interpretation.

Yes. It doesn't matter where in the great world of the internet you'll publish it, someone will read it. Which lead me to think about something else: Think about what you're going to write. An emotion conveyed through any media will affect the reader, in multiple ways.

This is why I think a writer should take measures to prevent making an ass of himself. Write something hateful, and odds-on, someone will share your hatred with you, however wacky, ignorant, or over-the-top it might be.

One of (sadly) many examples.

Write something good, however, and you might make your reader smile. He or she might have had a horrid day, in this pretty crapsack world we live in, but if you can give them a smile, even if it's just because your blog has a photo of a puppy, your effort will have been more than worth it.

Enjoying and having fun. What's life without those two?

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