viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

Fear, Violence, and Intolerance

This lines are motivated by fear. My home faces grim times, and I am afraid that the darkest hour is still to come.

As many of my dear readers will probably know by now, I'm mexican. Not mexican-american, not of mexican parents, not any of those funny titles racists stick on you so you don't get pissed when they start throwing slurs.

I am mexican-born, from the state of Tamaulipas. You probably saw it on the news tonight and shrugged about it:. Of course, every single day here are news of more executions by the organized crime, or shootouts in public places, or mutilated bodies found with drug-dealer messages.

The reason I am writing this is because I fear not only for my life, but also of my family and friends. Drug-related violence and crime is getting closer. Every day, there is another friend or relative commenting on a person they know being robbed, assaulted, or murdered.

Two months ago, a major politician, who would have most probably been elected new governor, was murdered in such a way that it could have only been an inside job. Weeks ago, the bodies of seventy-two central americans were found, having been executed after refusing to join the drug cartels. Barely two weeks ago, bomb cars exploded, blocks away from my office. Today, 85 inmates have escaped from a jail, by the front gate and without a single shot. Corruption is at an all-time high.

Even worse: the Bicentennial Anniversary of Independence is the next Wednesday. The drug cartels have left messages promising to kill and show the decapitated head of the Governor that day. The tension could be cut with a knife. Everyone in this city knows that something big, huge, is coming.

I search in the internet for uncensored information. All the events I mentioned were completely overlooked by the local news, except for the politicians' deaths, and that barely. Even more than the alarming news that I can find, what disturbs me the most is the comments.

I know that internet comments should never be taken seriously, but by God, they are bad. I don't mean just the "deport the illegalz" ones, but the "nuke mexico", "send troops, kill 1/3 of the people and make it the next U.S. state", "round up all mexicans and shoot them in public, that should send the ones down there a message".

Have we really arrived into such a world that such crimes against humanity are committed, and there is a vast amount of people that think the solution is to murder a race? What world is this, and how do I get out?

My country was never perfect, but it wasn't like this. Once, it was a place where you could live, not with the many luxuries and commodities that so many people take for granted and never appreciate, but you could live a long, fruitful life, with honesty and hard work.

I pray to God that if there are good people reading this, may you live a good life, in a better place than this. Honest and noble people deserve a life of peace and prosperity, something that Mexico has ceased to give for its citizens.

Thank you to all. May God bless you.

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